Field trips are typically scheduled for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10AM-11:30AM.
A minimum of 50 attendees is required for field trip rates, alternatively you may be interested in a private tour.
Field trips require a $100 non-refundable deposit to be made prior to the trip to secure the date for your field trip.
Field trips are 1.5 hours long. Generally field trip tours give students the opportunity to learn a little bit about all the animals, however upon request we can focus more on one select topic(such as running an animal sanctuary, humane farming, exotic animal care, etc.) to fit the students' course materials. Field trips are subjected to a reduced time if the group arrives late.
A single stall bathroom, hand washing station, and covered pavilion are available for attendee use throughout the field trip. We ask that students use the restroom prior to the trip to ensure each student can be present for the tour in its entirety.
$12 per attendee
We ask that the school or organization collect all payments from attendees including chaperones and make one final payment for the remaining amount the day of the trip.