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Depending on the time of year our farm offers classes to the public to share what we have learned over the past years of working with various others farmers, veterinarians, and farming ourselves. These classes are hands on and prices and dates vary based off what information we will be going over. Occasionally we will have guest speakers such as large animal veterinarians or other farmers.

Guide educating a group
Pot belly pig




Our homesteading class will be setup to teach you everything we do and have done from start to finish. The topics covered will range from goat fencing, birthing, first aid, castration, milking goats, making cheeses and much more. To sign up please view upcoming events as they are updated frequently. 




Our primary focus with animal care classes are to increase the level of education in regards to animal welfare. Happy animals make farming enjoyable and customers happy also! Goats are our primary focus with animal care classes but we also partner with wildlife rehabbers to educate the public on SC snake safety when outdoors and identification as well as local laws regarding wildlife and predator proofing livestock housing. 


Our goat care classes are centered around dairy goat care and milking and caring for a dairy goat herd. We host these classes during the early part of the year and encourage anyone interested in purchasing a baby goat from us to attend one of the classes prior to taking home a new herd member! 

Employee holding tortoises
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